[xmca] Allan Luke's article for use and circulation

From: Ana Paula B. R. Cortez <apbrcortez who-is-at yahoo.com.br>
Date: Tue Jun 24 2008 - 17:07:09 PDT

Dear friends,
  Allan Luke has sent me this very interesting article. Hope it is of much use for you all.
  Ana Paula

Observação: mensagem anexa encaminhada.

Novos endereços, o Yahoo! que você conhece. Crie um email novo com a sua cara @ymail.com ou @rocketmail.com.

attached mail follows:

colleagues, apologies for using the conference contacts, but this piece may be of interest. feel free to use and circulate (or trash!). allan
Allan Luke
Faculty of Education
Queensland University of Technology
Victoria Park Road
Red Hill, Queensland
From: Ana Paula B. R. Cortez [apbrcortez@yahoo.com.br]
Sent: Wednesday, 25 June 2008 12:08 AM
To: aclavijoolarte@yahoo.com; annemariemejia@hotmail.com; cicamaga@gmail.com; ctorresjaramillo@yahoo.com; cbanfi@fibertel.com.ar; gisela@singularidades.com.br; helenamias@uol.com.br; ireyes@email.arizona.edu; llibia@colombobogota.edu.co; rectoria@unica.edu.co; ssfidalgo@terra.com.br; Fernanda Coelho Liberali; Sari Pöyhönen; eila.burns@jamk.fi; Eila; Allan Luke; Dot Robbins; Sari Pöyhönen; Ciça Magalhães; Angela
Subject: Bilinglatam cientific committee

Dear friends,
You'll find an attached file with a table to be completed. Would you mind filling it up so we can add your information to the folder?
Ana Paula

Novos endereços, o Yahoo! que você conhece. Crie um email novo<http://br.rd.yahoo.com/mail/taglines/mail/*http://br.new.mail.yahoo.com/addresses> com a sua cara who-is-at ymail.com ou @rocketmail.com.

xmca mailing list

Received on Tue Jun 24 17:09 PDT 2008

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