RE: Disability? Re: [xmca] Help in teaching and learning maths

From: Duvall, Emily <emily who-is-at>
Date: Tue Jun 10 2008 - 08:03:40 PDT

Hi Andy,
My offering isn't really non-academic reading, but it is compatible with
Luria's functional systems approach... so perhaps you might find ways in
and out of the text and mediate Peter....

Berninger, V.W. & Richards, T.L. (2002). Brain literacy for educators
and psychologists. Academic Press.

Yeah, sounds high-falutin'
BUT - two great chapters for you... Building a computing brain
neurologically and Building a computing brain pedagogically.

The other chapters introduce brain structures and then offer similarly
titled chapters on reading and writing. There's also a piece of ed

~ Em

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:xmca-
>] On Behalf Of Andy Blunden
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 4:51 AM
> To: eXtended Mind, Culture, Activity; Peter Blunden
> Subject: [xmca] Help in teaching and learning maths
> I need help from some of you briliant educaitonalists out
> there. This is help of a personal not a professional kind.
> My brother, Peter, has a very bright 13 year old daughter,
> Marissa, who wants a science career and is bright enough to
> have gained entry to the elite public school in Sydney, but
> she flunks maths. Like so many people I have known over the
> years, she just doesn't get it. 99/100 for any other
> subject, 40/100 for maths.
> Peter will do anything to solve this problem. He is no fool,
> but had architecture training and is a GIS systems person,
> not a teacher. Just a father, not a teacher.
> I promised that I would find him an article which a
> non-academic could understand that would help him help
> Marissa "get" maths. I would help, but I live 1000km away.
> Does anyone have a URL for something he could read which
> would help? Or any little tips?
> with thanks
> Andy
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

> --
> Andy Blunden +61 3 9380 9435
> Skype andy.blunden
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