[xmca] Psych of Art Power Point Now Available

From: Cathrene Connery <cconnery who-is-at ithaca.edu>
Date: Mon Mar 31 2008 - 17:31:03 PDT

Hi everyone:
Thanks to Bruce Jones, my power point from AERA is now available. Much obliged, Bruce! You can access it at:


I have responded to everyone who has sent me a request for the work. However, if you have not heard from me, it is because your mailbox is too full and the message has bounced back. You can use the above link to download the slide show. Feel free to use the power point in class, however, I'd be grateful that my paintings (the graphics in the power point) not be made public without my permission. Thanks so much!

I am headed to the CEC conference Boston in 2 days and may not be able to respond, but know there are many who can reflect on this neglected but important work of LSV.

Best wishes,


Dr. M. Cathrene Connery
Assistant Professor of Education
Ithaca College
xmca mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 31 17:35 PDT 2008

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