Re: [xmca] What new and interesting?

From: Martin Packer <packer who-is-at>
Date: Sun Mar 30 2008 - 08:59:55 PDT

I am curious about a session I was unable to attend, one on mixed methods
which I know Mike attended, and at which Michael Roth presented. One of the
other presenters was Pamela Moss from U of Michigan - several years ago
Pamela and I designed and co-taught a 2-semester graduate course on
integrated research methods, which I think was unique at the time, so I'm
curious to discover what is now state of the art. I'm also curious because
the AERA session I organized was titled "Vygotsky's Qualitative
Methodology," and some questions were raised there about whether this is an
appropriate label for CHAT research. Is it qualitative, mixed, or ..?

Can people who attended that session share their impressions?


On 3/29/08 8:35 AM, "Mike Cole" <> wrote:

> I thought it might be interesting to all if everyone took a few minutes
> either to report on some interesting talk or paper they have encountered
> recently, or a new idea that they
> have had that others might have something to contribute to, and post it
> here. (This includes, in my case, ideas that came up from people whose work
> we have discussed here!).
> I'll post a couple of such ideas as examples a lilttle later, but want to
> float the suggestion while I have a minute.
> mike
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