Re: [xmca] Re: One more example: errors in translation/interpretation

From: Martin Packer <packer who-is-at>
Date: Sat Mar 29 2008 - 10:36:15 PDT


Can't we say that thinking and speech have independent roots within
individual ontogenesis, but that in the longer view of cultural evolution
both have their origins in human biology? I don't have the texts in front of
me, but this seems to me to be the line of Vygotsky's reasoning.


On 3/24/08 10:59 PM, "Alexander Surmava" <> wrote:

> The first
> idea that thinking and speech have different and independent roots is
> basically incompatible with the next one concerning their "dialectical"
> interaction. Those which are mutually alien are doomed to fruitful
> superficial relation and any genuine dialectical relation in this case is
> totally impossible.

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Received on Sat Mar 29 10:38 PDT 2008

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