Re: [xmca] Humans and nature

From: Michalis Kontopodis <michalis.kontopodis who-is-at>
Date: Fri Mar 21 2008 - 06:42:28 PDT

Dear Mike, I think that it is a pitty that these works do not refer to
Vygotsky's relevant pieces of work and his concepts of language and
mediation--I do not want however to open at this moment the discussion
on the differences between Leontiew's and Vygotsky's approaches.

I will study the mentioned articles and come back with new questions,
thanks a lot,

Michalis Kontopodis

research associate
humboldt university berlin
tel.: +49 (0) 30 2093 3716
fax.: +49 (0) 30 2093 3739

On Mar 21, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Mike Cole wrote:

> Hi--
> Some of the earlier discussions in MCA are:
> Symposium on "Cognition in the Wild" that includes latour: 1996,
> vol 3(1)
> Miettinin, R. (1999), vol 4(2) on AT and ANT
> Latour, 1996, vol 3(4)
> mike
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2008 at 4:14 AM, Michalis Kontopodis <
>> wrote:
>> Thank you David,
>> is this the publication you refered to: Van Lier, Eva 2004:
>> Straattaal. Neerlandica Extra Muros. February 2004. ?
>> I would be interested in doing some historical investigation on the
>> origins and uses of the concept of mediation in 19th and early 20th
>> century, which would probably be the link between all these works. At
>> the moment I am in vacation (for the next two weeks) and do not have
>> access to any library, so I will later come back to this.
>> with thankful regards,
>> Michalis Kontopodis
>> research associate
>> humboldt university berlin
>> tel.: +49 (0) 30 2093 3716
>> fax.: +49 (0) 30 2093 3739
>> On Mar 21, 2008, at 12:24 AM, David Kellogg wrote:
>>> Dear Michalis,
>>> I think there isn't any direct evidence for a Peircean influence.
>>> But I also think it's there.
>>> One POSSIBLE conduit is Volosinov. van Lier (2004) has pointed out
>>> that Volosinov's analysis of "Well!" in "Discourse in Art and
>>> Discourse in Life" (the appendix to his book on Freudianism) is
>>> reducible with almost no remainder to a Peircean one.
>>> Andy would say this is because of their common Hegelian origin.
>>> Peirce and Volosinov are cousins in the same generation like apes
>>> and humans; the latter is not descended from the former. That's
>>> probably so. But still, as Marx would say, "the anatomy of man is
>>> the key to the anatomy of the ape".
>>> David Kellogg
>>> Seoul National University of Education
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