[xmca] FW: Deadlines Extended---Call for Papers Special Issue

From: Peter Smagorinsky <smago who-is-at uga.edu>
Date: Sat Mar 15 2008 - 03:03:31 PDT


From: Debra Josephson Abrams [mailto:jrzywriter@gmail.com]
Sent: vrijdag 14 maart 2008 20:00


The deadlines have been extended for submissions to the special d/Deaf and
Hard of Hearing Education issue of the journal of International Association
for the Improvement of Mother Tongue Education. Please see the attached
Call for Papers for the new deadlines, and please pass along the Call for
Papers to those you believe have contributions to make. Thanks a million,

Dr. Debra Josephson Abrams

xmca mailing list

Received on Sat Mar 15 03:24 PDT 2008

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