[xmca] Fwd: Sprinker graduate essay prize

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at gmail.com>
Date: Tue Mar 11 2008 - 14:17:55 PDT

Begin forwarded message:
> We are pleased to announce the ninth annual Michael Sprinker Graduate
> Writing Competition, established to remember and further Michael's
> commitment to Marxist intellectual work and to graduate teaching and
> students.  The award recognizes an essay or dissertation chapter that
> engages with Marxist theory, scholarship, pedagogy, and/or activism.
> Submissions will be judged by a committee composed of members of the
> Marxist Literary Group (MLG).  The winner receives professional
> recognition and a prize of $500.
> The award will be announced at the MLG's annual Institute on Culture
> and Society, to be held at the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee,
> June
> 10-14; on the MLG email list; and in MLG's online journal MEDIATIONS,
> among other sites.  The winner's name and the essay's title (if not
> the
> essay itself) will also be posted on the MLG website.  For further
> information on the Institute, contact Carol Stabile
> (Carol.Stabile@gmail.com).
> Any and all graduate students are eligible, although submissions must
> be in English.  Membership in the MLG is recommended but not required.
> Essays or chapters must be unpublished and no more than 30 pages long.
> Please submit hard copy; no electronic submissions will be considered.
> Please include name, address, and phone # (email address if you wish)
> on a cover sheet.  The name of the writer should not appear in the
> essay submitted.  Finally, MSS will not be returned; include SASE if
> you like for announcement of competition results only.
> Deadline for submissions:  May 9, 2008.  Please send THREE copies of
> the submission to:
>        Rich Daniels
>        Department of English, 238 Moreland Hall
>        Oregon State University
>        Corvallis, Oregon 97331-5302
> _______________________________________________
xmca mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 11 14:19 PDT 2008

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