[xmca] FW: Conference Announcement-APERA 2008

From: Stefanie Chye <stefchye who-is-at singnet.com.sg>
Date: Sat Mar 08 2008 - 23:01:48 PST

Begin forwarded message:

APERA Conference
26th to 28th November 2008
Conference Announcement

Educational Research for Innovation & Quality in Education:
Policy & Pedagogical Engagements across Contexts

The Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), National
Institute of Education (NIE) and Educational Research Association of
Singapore (ERAS) will jointly host the APERA 2008 Conference to be held in
Singapore from 26th to 28th November 2008. This conference will see the
gathering of researchers from renowned educational research associations
worldwide to discuss important issues of standards of education research,
impact of educational research on policies and capacity building for
educational research particularly in developing nations. We believe this
will be an excellent platform for the meeting of peoples across continents
as educators and researchers in the Asia and Pacific regions and
internationally congregate to learn, engage and develop new ideas to bring
about quality in educational research, policy and practice.

. Classroom practices in education innovation
. Community support for education innovation
. Counseling in schools
. Educational policy
. Educators' values and beliefs toward innovation in education
. Equality of access to education
. Evaluation of education innovation
. Flexible learning at workplace
. Globalization of education
. Holistic development in education
. Innovations in educational leadership
. Innovative assessment
. Innovative knowledge building in education
. Innovative knowledge management in education
. Lifelong learning
. Professional development of teachers
. Reflective learning
. Social context of education
. Sports Science and Physical Education
. Supporting infrastructure in education innovation
. Teacher education
. Technological innovations in education
. The 'commoditization' of education: Education as a package?
. The economizing of education: Gain or bane?

Keynote Speakers
Professor Julian (Joe) Elliott
Durham University, England
Professor Colin N. Power
Chair, Commonwealth Consortium of Education
Former Deputy-Director General, UNESCO
Professor Yin Cheong Cheng
Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Professor Eva L. Baker
UCLA Graduate School of Education and Information Studies, USA
Professor Bienvenido F. Nebres
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines
Professor Magdalena Mo-Ching Mok
Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong
Professor David Tzuriel
Bar Ilan University, Israel
Dr. Felice J. Levine
Executive Director, American Educational Research Association

Guidelines on Submission of Abstracts
Each paper author or symposium/round-table discussion or workshop
facilitator must submit an abstract of not more than 200 words (in English
only). Include three keywords.

Please submit proposal and abstract through the conference website by
Wednesday, 30th April 2008. For more information on the conference, visit
the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) website:


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Received on Sat Mar 8 23:07 PST 2008

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