[xmca] All for humanitarian cause !

From: varnam soupend <heidizulfai who-is-at yahoo.com>
Date: Tue Mar 04 2008 - 15:37:46 PST

Dear David,
  You're mis[re]presenting me and some innocent others as well and silence leads nowhere !
  Hence a friendly gesture ! [interface] but not "liberated from its materialist base" !
  I'm here to learn ; to be in tune not in tone !
  Once you wrote you gave up , I grieved !
  Why did you have to give up ? !
  Was there an insult ? Let alone what comes from you disguised in messages !
  Other people ALSO have the right to like things and dislike others .
  Our social positions / stances [May you yourself say how many times "social situation of development" has been repeated in this late article?] come from what we have suffered from or benefited from . Yes ! All these might have been converted into WORD MEANINGS but not necessarily ! [Our world of consciousness is not so rich as our world of objects is !]Miserables [The Wretched of the Earth] might rise against themselves . There ! Through all kinds of tricks and alianation , estrangement ARE versatile motley objective meanings : liberty/equality/fraternity/open society/welfare society/ # exploitation/colonialism/alienation/outsider/imperialism/globalization/metamorphasis/INVASION/AFTERMATH OF COLLAPSISM [STALINISM IMPLIED]/NEWLY-COINED MEDVEDEVISM/NON-IRON-WALLISM/...
  What you have in defence ? ... capitalist or labourer !
  As I understand it [which might be quite out of place] , WHAT you have [been] developed [agency/subjectivity/volition/...][object-relatedness] as your "personal meanings" ! why you not rejoice and be jubilant in this ? It's MEANING ! as against "objective meaning" ; quite astonishingly or quite naturally you see I'm resorting to WORD MEANING but not "meaning" which has been LIBERATED FROM its materialist base . Talking about Geshtalt and the paragraph you cited , around the finish , there was used a WORD : logic . Vygotsky wanted what was to be found "beyond" "logic" and what this could be ? ; general [in that context] for him was sort of "logic" ; and you were quite right and instructive , constructive in making me understand the point but that was not all . If general was "logic" ; beyond logic might be essential / necessary / in itself / universal which has been originated from the particular / where "self" might come from ; self comes from self ? from universal
 spirit/idea ? [Lots and lots of thanks and debt to Andy for the great toil he tolerated] , from heaven ? Is "self" behind "interface" or "interface" behind "self" and if the latter is what you believe in , universe [please go to the inanimate world / material universal monism # monads / vitalism / ... is something to be found behind "that interface" or everything become finalized in it ? interface=universe ?
  And now :
     [But sometimes a transitional form carries within itself the seed of a more workable social system, and when it vanishes utterly [You've reached the end of the world / bypassed ALL transitionals / the "self" says thus or the "globalization" so dictates] , it still plays a catalytic function. I suppose in our more [most-complemets aside] optimistic moments, when we are indulging our ["poetic" ibid L] and non-materialist [please don't commit rupturing of the navel]side, we can call the memory of these transitional functions "hope". Not to be confused with "the politics of hope"!]
  Leontyev :
   This is what compels psychology to distinguish between the conscious objective meaning and its meaning for the subject, or what I prefer to call the “personal meaning”.
  The embodiment of personal meaning in objective meanings is a profoundly intimate, psychologically significant and by no means automatic or instantaneous process. This process is seen in all its fullness in "works of literature" and in the "practice of moral and political" education. [emphasis added] [One should be conscious of what passes on him-no?]
  It is most clearly demonstrated in the conditions of class society, in the context of the ideological struggle. In this context personal meanings reflecting the motives engendered by a person's actual living relationships may fail to find objective meanings which fully express them, and they then begin to live in borrowed clothes, as it were. Picture the fundamental contradiction which this situation brings about. In contrast to society the individual has no special language of his own with meanings that he has evolved himself. His comprehension of reality can take place only by means of the “ready-made” meanings he assimilates from without – the knowledge, concepts, and views he receives through "intercourse-nope !", in the various forms of individual and mass communication. This is what makes it possible to introduce into his consciousness or even impose upon that consciousness distorted or fantastic notions and ideas, including those that have no basis in his real,
 practical life experience. Because they have no proper basis they reveal their weakness in his consciousness, but at the same time, having become stereotypes, they acquire the capacity of any stereotype to resist, so that only the big confrontations of life can break them down.

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Received on Tue Mar 4 15:40 PST 2008

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