Re: [xmca] CFP

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at>
Date: Thu Feb 28 2008 - 17:24:15 PST

Should be great!

On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 5:08 PM, John Martin <>

> Thought some folks here might be interested in this.
> > Call for Papers: Games+Learning+Society 4.0 (July 10-11, 2008;
> > Madison, Wisconsin)
> >
> >
> >
> > Sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the Academic
> > ADL Co-Lab, Games+Learning+Society 4.0 features substantive
> > discussion and collaboration among academics, designers, and
> > educators interested in how videogames –- commercial games and
> > otherwise -– can enhance learning, culture, and education. We
> > encourage the submission of traditional paper sessions as well as
> > innovative talk formats (chat 'n' frags, fireside chats) which focus
> > on game design, game culture, and games' potential for learning and
> > society more broadly. This two-day conference will be held at Frank
> > Lloyd Wright's Monona Terrace overlooking downtown Madison's
> > beautiful Lake Monona. Conference highlights also include workshops
> > for attendees new to games research, a special track of selected,
> > hands-on sessions designed specifically for practicing teachers, and
> > a new, highly-interactive poster session, ideal for those who wish
> > to engage in informal, face-to-face discussions about ongoing
> > research with roving discussants and other conference attendees.
> > Participants and speakers at GLS 4.0 currently include James Paul
> > Gee, Sasha Barab, Drew Davidson, Julian Dibbell, Lisa Nakamura, Cory
> > Ondrejka, Katie Salen and Doug Thomas.
> >
> >
> >
> > Complete submission guidelines are listed inside the submissions
> > site at Submission format includes:
> > Title; Abstract (500 words or less); Author name(s), picture(s), and
> > short bio(s); and lastly, whether you would like your presentation
> > to be considered for an interactive (workshop, chat 'n' frag,
> > poster) or more expository (symposium, plenary) session.
> >
> >
> >
> > Submissions are due online by March 15, 2008.
> John Martin
> Doctoral Student in Curriculum & Instruction
> University of Wisconsin Madison
> regardingjohn.com_______________________________________________
> xmca mailing list
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Received on Thu Feb 28 17:25 PST 2008

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