[xmca] Vygotsky and Problems

From: Lois Holzman <lholzman who-is-at eastsideinstitute.org>
Date: Sat Dec 08 2007 - 12:04:14 PST

I'm turning to this group for some help in understanding what
Vygotsky means by the word problem. I may be asking a translation
question or something broader about the Russian way of framing issues
or themes in science/philosophy/psychology. In English "problem" has
come to imply "solution" (e.g., the "problem-solution syndrome"). I
also like Wittgenstein's view on problems, which is that his method
makes them "vanish" (as opposed to fixing or removing them). How
should I be thinking about how Vygotsky thought of what a problem is
in light of its common use in English as something to be fixed or
solved? And its use in traditional psychotherapy (e.g., presenting
problem)? All thought will be greatly appreciated!


Lois Holzman, Director
East Side Institute for Group and Short Term Psychotherapy
920 Broadway, 14th floor
New York NY 10010
tel. 212.941.8906 ext. 324
fax 212.941.0511

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Received on Sat Dec 8 12:05 PST 2007

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