[xmca] Can you suggest any bilingual education researchers?

From: Ana Paula B. R. Cortez <apbrcortez who-is-at yahoo.com.br>
Date: Tue Dec 04 2007 - 14:07:08 PST

Dear all,
  My research group in Brazil and some fellow researchers have started to organize an international conference on bilingual education in Latin America. We'd like to know if there are any researchers who work with bilingual education and CHAT in the mood to come to Brazil and share their work with us, probably in July/09. If you know any names, please send them to my personal e-mail address.

Ana Paula Barbosa Risério Cortez
English Language and Literature Professor
Faculty of Language and Education
University of Mogi das Cruzes-VL, Brazil
Av. Imperatriz Leopoldina, 550
Vl. Leopoldina, São Paulo, SP - Brazil
55 11 3648-5050
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Received on Tue Dec 4 14:16 PST 2007

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