How are you doing? I hope you are fine.
My question, how can I collaborate? I guess I would be a potential
international affiliate member...
Best regards from Madrid.
> Dear XMCA-ers,
> I have been working as part of Ken Gergen¹s initiative to gather enough
> support for the establishment of a new APA division in Qualitative Inquiry.
> This division is sorely needed, as the interest in, use of and debate
aroun> d
> various qualitative methods abounds and yet has no voice in the
professiona> l
> association of psychologists. As Ken says in the attached letter:
> ³In the social sciences more generally there has been a burgeoning of new
> forms of qualitative inquiry, and a lively debate on their potentials,
> limitations, and philosophical implications. Journals and handbooks are
> numerous. Yet American psychologists have played almost no role in these
ne> w
> directions. We believe psychology has a great deal both to offer and to
gai> n
> in regard to these developments in qualitative inquiry. However, at present
> there is no forum in which relevant issues and practices can be pursued.
> Qualitative research is now scattered across a number of divisions and
> marginalized as a mode of inquiry. There is no central forum where such
> inquiry can be explored in terms of its potentials, and placed under
focuse> d
> attention.²
> Over 800 valid signatures have been collected. We need FORTY more by
> January. Here is how you can help.
> 1. If you are already a member of APA, simply sign the attached petition
an> d
> follow instructions for sending it.
> 2. Pass this along to colleagues and ask them to do the same.
> 3. If you are not an APA member but are eligible to be a full member (not a
> student or an international affiliate member), I am asking you to join APA
> and then sign the petition.
> Please let me know if you can do this and how many others you can sign up.
> With thanks for helping to make psychology more relevant,
> Lois
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