Thanks, Mike, for sharing this. In Santiago this day was indeed a day
of remembrance, but of violence and hate as well. Chile is not
reconciled and the new divisions created by our rampant neoliberalism
find a space for expression and catharsis in this memorial day.
Paradoxical as it is, the socialist government has stopped many
demonstrations in memory of Allende, since last year 9/11 violence
went out of control and a bomb was thrown into La Moneda, the
government's house. Paradoxical as it is, the democratic band is
divided among the victims, which fell neglected by the lack of
justice, and the government, which lead by a woman tortured under
Pinochet, must confront the demands of small politics. Most important
of all, this is our first 9/11 after Pinochet died. What is clear is
that the memory of the pain he caused is alive and so it will be for
many years to come,
On Sep 11, 2007, at 5:18 PM, Mike Cole wrote:
> A non-poetical rememberance of Sept 11 34 years ago, from a
> relative of
> mine.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Sasha Cole <>
> Date: Sep 11, 2007 12:21 PM
> Subject: Chile, September 11, 1973. Please take a moment to remember.
> Please excuse me for the mass mailing as well as the lack of
> elegance in my
> writing. I hope that the message is important enough for you to
> overlook
> that.
> Today is the anniversary of the U.S-sponsored military Coup d'Etat
> in Chile
> that overthrew the democratically elected government of Salvador
> Allende.
> The coup marked the overthrow of democracy in Latin America's longest
> standing democratic country and would eventually sink Chile into 17
> years of
> brutal dictatorship. During the first days of the coup, the national
> football stadium was turned into a concentration camp where more
> than 40,000
> Chileans (and a few foreign nationals) were held, tortured, and
> sometimes
> executed. During the first months of the coup up to 3,000 (of a
> population
> around 10 million) were killed, countless more imprisoned and
> tortured, and
> many, many more 'disappeared'. Many others were driven from their
> homeland
> and forced to take refuge in foreign countries.
> I would like express my sorrow and shame for the cynical and
> unconscionable
> actions of my government in planning and helping to execute the
> coup in
> Chile, as well as others -- in Guatemala, in Iran, in the Congo, so
> many
> other countries. It seems important to remember that 28 years
> before the
> attacks on the twin towers, the United States had already made
> September
> 11th an infamous day.
> When we talk of terror, we should remember the terror unleashed by
> Pinochet,
> Kissinger, and their associates on this day.
> Sasha Cole.
> If you would like to add something to this note, or change it or
> pass on,
> please do
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