[xmca] The specificity of human developemnt

From: <ERIC.RAMBERG who-is-at spps.org>
Date: Mon Mar 31 2008 - 08:08:23 PDT

On September 30, Sasha wrote:
"Generally the dialectic never deals with "unities" of two different
but only with identities of oppositions. An alive single whole splitting to
opposite contradictory sides is inevitable basis of dialectical movement,
its condition sine qua non.
And finally I don't really think that we can find the answers to our
questions in Vygotsky's texts. I do think that we can acquire it in real
process of investigation of urgent psychological and educational problems.
Vygotsky sincerely declared his intention to elaborate new materialistic as
well as dialectical psychology, which will be based on ideas of Spinoza and
Marx and made the first steps in this direction. Our task is to continue
Anyhow we, I mean Moscow group of Il'enkov's disciples philosophers and
psychologists, find both your articles utterly interesting as a fundamental
attempt to settle very urgent problems. Now I am translating both of your
articles into Russian (most of my friends knows only German ;-( ). We are
planning to discuss them in detail.

Sasha "

Generally the dialectic in the materialistic sense does not deal with
unity, however, we are not speaking in generalities when we are speaking of
human development; we are speaking of something very specific. From
Spinoza it is determined that the essence of absolute truth(8 of ethics) is
reflected in the finite of the individual (7 of mind). In ethics we have
the cause in and of itself and in the mind we have the reality of the
ideal that is perfection. The mind does not have infinite without the
cause that comes from outside the body. Within the mind we have the
essence of the thing. Both two right angles and a triangle consist of 180
degrees, within one is the infinite within the other are boundaries.


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Received on Mon Mar 31 08:11 PDT 2008

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