[xmca] FW: Call for Papers - Pedagogies: An International Journal

From: Peter Smagorinsky <smago who-is-at uga.edu>
Date: Mon Mar 31 2008 - 03:22:13 PDT

From: APJE (CRPP) [mailto:apje@nie.edu.sg]
Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 12:53 AM
Subject: Call for Papers - Pedagogies: An International Journal


Dear Colleagues,

Pedagogies: An international Journal published by Taylor and Francis and
edited by Allan Luke and Anneliese Kramer-Dahl, is now into Volume 4.
Please circulate this call for papers among your colleagues and graduate
students and encourage them to send their manuscripts to the journal at


Thank you.


Maria MAHAT (Ms)
Project Manager

Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice

Editorial Administrator, Pedagogies: An International Journal

National Institute of Education

1 Nanyang Walk

Singapore 637616

(65) 6790-3839

maria.mahat@nie.edu.sg <mailto:mmahat@nie.edu.sg>

www.crpp.nie.edu.sg <http://www.crpp.nie.edu.sg/>





Senior Editors

Allan Luke - Faculty of Education, Queensland University of Technology,

Anneliese Kramer-Dahl - National Institute of Education, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore


Published 4 times a year by Routledge, part of the Taylor & Francis group.

Available online at




Editorial Aims and Scope

In Talks to Teachers on Psychology and Life (1892), the lectures that
inaugurated the field of educational psychology at Harvard, William James
referred to pedagogy as the “art and science” of teaching. A century later
of educational paradigms gained and lost, educational researchers and
scholars are attending yet again to pedagogy and knowledge in classrooms. In
many educational systems, pedagogy is proving to be the key rallying point
for teachers, teacher educators and researchers, and activists and
policy-makers committed to reclaiming the art and science of teaching from
narrow instrumentalist and economic agendas. Pedagogies: An International
Journal aims to reestablish teaching and learning as the educational
practices that matter.


In the last half-century, teacher educators, educational researchers,
administrators, and policy-makers have focused on testing systems, school
management, teacher quality, and assessment, monitoring and standards
schemes of almost every conceivable kind in their efforts to renew and
improve schools. But for teachers and researchers committed to reforming
schools and reinventing teaching in the new millennium, there is a real
urgency to attend more closely to theoretical and applied, empirical and
hermeneutic work on pedagogies and knowledge in classrooms. Governments are
realising that they cannot make policies via test scores alone, but that
they must have a much better grasp of what goes on in classrooms. The actual
social and cultural, cognitive and intellectual work of teachers and
students are and should be a focal area of research and development,
description, illustration, debate and reform. Facing the social and
cultural, political and economic challenges of this new millennium — as
James and Dewey did in the last — the remaking of knowledge and pedagogy is
the key to educational change.


The enterprise of redesigning knowledge and pedagogy, however, has changed.
Transformation of communications media, innovations in aesthetic and
representational forms, the spread of popular and educational cultures, the
multiplication and dissemination of scientific knowledge, and powerful
claims to indigenous and local knowledge have together placed systems,
schools, and teachers under increasing pressure to reframe their basic
assumptions: How should schools respond to changes in power and knowledge
relations, the rapid proliferation and shifts in human knowledge, and the
new designs of aesthetics, language, media, and everyday cultures? How can
everyday classroom practices engage with diversity of knowledge, student
communities, cultures and resources, and technology and design?


Pedagogies brings together emergent and breaking work on all aspects of
pedagogy: classroom teaching and learning in response to new communities and
student bodies, curriculum and responses to new knowledge and changing
disciplinarity, blends of traditional and new communications media in
classrooms, and most importantly, how we might improve and renew the
everyday work that teachers and students do in classrooms. It features
quantitative and qualitative, disciplinary and trans-disciplinary, empirical
and theoretical work, and will include special editions on key developments
in research on knowledge and pedagogy. It aims to push the boundaries of
theory and research — to seek out new paradigms, models and ways of framing
education — while at the same time keeping an eye squarely on that which
matters: teaching and learning in classrooms.



This refereed journal is about change and innovation in the most common,
typical, and central of educational processes: teaching and learning in
classrooms. Pedagogies will apply current theoretical and analytical
research work to the question of how pedagogy is being transformed to make
new knowledge, new expressive modes and, quite literally, new kinds of
teachers and learners. In Dewey’s terms, it is focused on the “designed”
ways in which cultures and societies undertake the work of social
transformation through education. This in part will involve discussions,
debates, and studies of the most tenacious and perennial educational
problems, some of which have been with us for a century: teaching to
diversity, the persistent educational marginalisation of specific
communities. But it will also focus on innovative engagements with new
technologies and new forms of identity, new repertoires of teacher practice,
and preparation of students for emergent forms of civic, workplace and
community life.


It will do so in ways that model cosmopolitan flows of ideas and
innovation—from and across educational communities in North and South, East
and West, seeking out the most innovative thinkers internationally, and
creating international dialogues about teaching and learning.


Authors will address issues of change and the need for practical programmes
of policy innovation, curriculum reform, and pedagogical action.


Editors and Editorial Board

Senior Editors

Allan Luke

Queensland University of Technology, Australia


Anneliese Kramer-Dahl

National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Managing Editors

James Albright, Norhaida Aman, Fang Yanping, Guo Libo, Trivina Kang, Kim
Koh, Dennis Kwek, Lau Shun, Chitra Shegar, Phillip Towndrow and Viniti Vaish

Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, National Institute of
Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Book Review Editor

Guo Libo

Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, National Institute of
Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Editorial Advisory Board

Adrienne Alton-Lee, Ministry of Education, New Zealand

Donna E. Alvermann, University of Georgia, USA

Michael W. Apple, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Robert J. Bracewell, McGill University, Canada

Courtney B. Cazden, Harvard University, USA

Paul Cobb, Vanderbilt University, USA

Barbara Comber, University of South Australia, Australia

Peter Freebody, University of Sydney, Australia

Judith L. Green, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA

Tara Goldstein, University of Toronto, Canada

Shirley Brice Heath, Brown University, USA

Glynda Hull, University of California at Berkeley, USA

Mary Kalantzis, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, Australia

Gunther Kress, Institute of Education, University of London, UK

Gloria Ladson-Billings, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

James Ladwig, University of Newcastle, Australia

Cynthia Lewis, University of Minnesota, USA

Angel Lin, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Sverker Lindblad, Göteborg University, Sweden

Gabrielle Matters, Australian Council for Educational Research, Australia

Stuart McNaughton, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Luis C. Moll, University of Arizona, USA

Ana Maria Morais, University of Lisbon, Portugal

Antonio Flavio Barbosa Moreira, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Johan Muller, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Reba N. Page, University of California at Riverside, USA

P. David Pearson, University of California at Berkeley, USA

William F. Pinar, University of British Columbia, Canada

Robert J. Tierney, University of British Columbia, Canada

Amy Tsui, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Olga A. Vásquez, University of California at San Diego, USA

Stanton E. F. Wortham, University of Pennsylvania, USA


Journal Administration

Editorial Administrator

Maria Mahat

Centre for Research in Pedagogy and Practice, National Institute of
Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore


Notes for Contributors

Manuscripts should be submitted to the Editorial Administrator via

Articles should be about 5000-6,000 words (including abstract, references,
endnotes and space taken by tables/figures - calculated on 500 words to a
journal page) in length, typed in 12-point font on one side of A4 paper,
paginated and double-spaced with ample margins.


 A separate first page should include the full title, a short title for use
as a running head, author name(s), institutional and e-mail address(es), and
indicate the author responsible for correspondence related to manuscript
submission. The title should be on page 1 and not exceed 10 words (50
characters), and should be followed by an abstract of 100-200 words.


Footnotes should be avoided and endnotes kept to a minimum. The full postal
address of the author who will check proofs and receive correspondence and
offprints should also be included. All pages should be numbered.
Contributors should be aware that they are addressing an international
audience. Jargon should be avoided and “local” terminology clarified for an
international audience. Authors should use non-discriminatory language.
Articles should be original work and where appropriate, should acknowledge
any significant contribution by others.

Tables and captions to illustrations

Tables must be typed out (double-line spacing) on separate sheets and not
included as part of the text. The captions to illustrations should be
gathered together and also typed out on a separate sheet. Tables should be
numbered by Roman numerals and figures by Arabic numerals. The approximate
position of tables and figures should be indicated in the manuscript.
Captions should include keys to symbols.


All line diagrams and photographs are termed “Figures” and should be
numbered consecutively and given short descriptive captions. Line diagrams
should be presented as camera-ready copy. Photographs should be submitted as
clear, glossy, unmounted black and white prints with good contrast range.
jpeg or word formats are accepted.


References should follow the American Psychological Association system (APA
Publications Manual, 5th edition), with the only exception that authors’
names should be presented with roman letters, upper and lower case i.e. they
should be indicated in the typescript by giving the authors’ names, with the
year of publication in parentheses, e.g. Smith (1994). If several papers
from the same author(s) and from the same year are cited, (a), (b), (c),
etc. should be listed in full alphabetically at the end of the paper on a
separate sheet in the following standard form:


For article:

Shepard, L. A. (2000). The role of assessment in a learning culture.
Educational Researcher 29(7), 4-14.


For book:


Alexander, R. J. (2000). Culture and pedagogy. Malden, Mass: Blackwell


For chapter in edited book:


Dyson, A. H. (2003). Linking writing and community development through the
children’s forum. In. C. Lee & P. Smagorinsky (Eds.), Vygotskian
perspectives in literacy research. (pp. 127-49). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge
University Press.


Book Reviews

These can vary from 1,000 words for a single-title review to 6,000 words for
an essay review. Contributors should follow guidelines for articles, and
attempt to review books in terms of related and current literature and
scholarly debate.





National Institute of Education (Singapore) http://www.nie.edu.sg
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