Like many on xmca, I spent time at the American Educational Research
Meetings in New York. I was only able to spend a little time at the meetings
owing to competing
obligations, but enough to see that many people are pursuing interesting
topics, some of which overlap, some of which display the variety of ways
that people are developing
ideas about culture, development, differrernt forms off mediation, different
kinds of activities, theoretical innovations, new areas of practice, and so
I thought it might be interesting to all if everyone took a few minutes
either to report on some interesting talk or paper they have encountered
recently, or a new idea that they
have had that others might have something to contribute to, and post it
here. (This includes, in my case, ideas that came up from people whose work
we have discussed here!).
I'll post a couple of such ideas as examples a lilttle later, but want to
float the suggestion while I have a minute.
xmca mailing list
Received on Sat Mar 29 06:37 PDT 2008
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