Re: [xmca] more on Vygotsky's relevance

From: Martin Packer <packer who-is-at>
Date: Mon Mar 10 2008 - 09:16:22 PDT


I've posted this paper on my web pages. I'd welcome suggestions and
critique: it's in an early stage of its evolution!


< 06 problems.pdf>

On 3/10/08 9:22 AM, "Steve Gabosch" <> wrote:

> BTW, your paper refers to another paper of yours, where you discuss
> some problems you have with Vygotsky's conception of history, such as
> the "primitive" consciousness issue, and his lack of attention to
> social class in child development. "Packer, M. J. (2006) Is there a
> Vygotskian psychology after Marx?. Paper presented at the symposium
> "Is Vygotsky relevant today? Educational research with a socio-
> political commitment, annual meeting of the American Educational
> Research Association San Francisco." Is this available online?
> - Steve

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Received on Mon Mar 10 09:19 PDT 2008

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