Re: [xmca] Boris assists Mike assists Eric

From: Mike Cole <lchcmike who-is-at>
Date: Tue Nov 27 2007 - 19:38:51 PST

Odd problems, Eric (re where message are, nothing odd about the problem of
understanding "identity" vis a vis personality/lichnost within chat).

Will check on it now.

On Nov 26, 2007 12:43 PM, <> wrote:

> To all:
> Perhaps this message will get through perhaps not. For some reason I am
> not receiving any emails from the listserve and have been unable to follow
> the discussion. When I go to XMCA to follow the discussion the hyperlink
> of a post does not connect to the relevant post but rather to a post in
> October. Very strange. I wonder if the Russian text in Mike's original
> post has anything to do with the issue.
> Anyway. My initial reason for inquiring regarding Lave and Wenger was
> because I recall they discuss identity in their research but I did not
> know
> if it was in the same avenue of study as Andy was inquiring about.
> Perhaps
> it is more in tune to identity within a 'community of practice' rather
> then
> identity pertaining to popeye's "I yam what I yam," sort of statement.
> Andy, when you asked the intitial question you were interested in identity
> as it pertained to personality or were you more interested in identity as
> it pertains to how people view their roles in societal context?
> Barbara Rogoff also writes about identity formation but she is similar to
> Jean Lave in viewing identity as a cultural construct and not an internal
> psychological construct.
> Maybe by the time this message posts the stream of discussion on the issue
> has waned and people are onto bigger and better things.
> eric
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Received on Tue Nov 27 19:40 PST 2007

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