[xmca] Kindergarten as a Semiotic System

From: David Kellogg <vaughndogblack who-is-at yahoo.com>
Date: Thu May 31 2007 - 18:02:12 PDT

Dear Anton:
  There's an interesting article in the Spring issue of the Modern Language Journal by A.C. DaSilva Iddings and S.G. McCafferty on "Carnival in a Mainstream Kindergarten Classroom: A Bakhtinian Analysis of Second Language Learners' Off-Task Behavior".
  I'm a little ambivalent about it; I like the integration of (physical) "action" and (semiotic) "meaning". But I think the "off task" business is a bit adultomorphic and the "carnival" idea is overextended. (Can we really talk about parody BEFORE the thing which is being parodied has developed? What does it mean for kindergarteners to "reverse high and low"?)
  I'm writing about B.V. Belyayev and A.A. Leontiev (they had an argument about whether you could "think" in a foreign language) and I want to use your information about Belyayev's early history in a footnote. OK?
  David Kellogg
  Seoul National University of Education

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