I read the article by Damasio and colleague that Gordon recommended, and
found it tremendously relevant to a study I'm currently working on with
doctoral student Elizabeth Daigle. It's a protocol analysis of a high school
senior who's writing an interpretive paper on Shakespeare's Much Ado about
Nothing. What's so interesting is that she (the student) really struggles to
interpret the play, but has an emotional disposition that she can produce an
acceptable paper, and a set of writing strategies that, coupled with her
positive affect toward school, enables her to produce one. The MBE paper has
been very helpful to us in establishing what's often missing from
discussions about learning strategies, which is a student's emotional
orientation toward the general prospect of succeeding in a school task.
-----Original Message-----
From: xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu [mailto:xmca-bounces@weber.ucsd.edu] On
Behalf Of Mike Cole
Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2007 9:14 PM
To: Cathrene Connery
Cc: Culture Activity eXtended Mind
Subject: [xmca] Re: AERA Kudos
Sounds great, Cathrene.
>From all those who made it to AERA, what new ideas and inspirations did
get that we might want to discuss?
I just downloaded the entire issue of Mind, Brain, & Education that Gordon
tipped us to. This movement is really interesting in many ways. Has anyone
read any of the articles yet?
On 4/14/07, Cathrene Connery <ConneryC@cwu.edu> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues:
> Much thanks to Ana and all the panelists and presenters at AERA. Both
> the CHAT symposium, presentations, and business meeting were
> outstanding venues to explore new ideas, receive support from esteemed
> mentors, and validate our common efforts. The nurturing that was
> exhibited toward myself and other novice researchers was especially
> I once read Luria commented that Vygotsky was not only a genius, but
> one of the most positive, interpersonal individuals he had ever met.
> How refreshing that his legacy continues today. My experience has been
> that such support and dialogue is devoid from the vast majority of
> academic circles. Thanks again to all who shared their talent,
> expertise, and commitment to each other and the field as a whole.
> Cathrene
> M. Cathrene Connery, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor of Bilingual & TESL Education Co-coordinator,
> Bilingual / TESL Program Central Washington University
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