Re: [xmca] B. V. Belyayev?

From: Carol Macdonald <carolmacdon who-is-at>
Date: Mon Apr 09 2007 - 22:21:46 PDT

Dear David,
I will have a look, but I know it was mostly on OHTs and 9 years' ago. It
was really a simple description, so that people would understand something
of what lay behind Lanham's work. Yes it was certainly against People's
English, since in the first place, he was writing for the Junior Primary,
who on anybody's account (black and white) weren't involved in that debate.
Also, Lanham tended to write structurally, although each structure was
embedded in a communicative activity. Writing like that was liking getting
blood out of stone, but it was/is the best we have seen. However, the
Project for which he was writing (not his Institute) was deeply criticised
for not taking a stand against apartheid, and paid quite a price for that;
but the reason was that the deputy director was/is a Jehovah's Witness,
which teaches not to get involved of the issues of the day. It lost them a
lot of kudos during the transition to democracy

Sorry for the muddled answer.


On 10/04/07, David Kellogg <> wrote:
> Dear Anton:
> Thanks very much. This is at least indirect evidence that LSV's ideas were
> in the air when Belyayev did his book, and that's what I need at this point.
> Leontiev's presence as editor is even better.
> Dear Carol:
> And copious thanks to you as well. You don't still have a copy of that
> presentation on Belyayev, by any chance? Also, what was the relationship
> between Lanham's work and the "People's English" movement? Were they related
> at all? Antagonistically?
> Gratefully,
> David
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