[xmca] Fwd: (NCRLL-LIST) NCTEAR Call for Proposals

From: Peter Smagorinsky (smago@uga.edu)
Date: Tue Oct 10 2006 - 13:23:18 PDT

>National Council of Teachers of English Assembly for Research
>Mid-Winter Conference
>Peabody College of Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tennessee
>February 23-25, 2007
>What Counts as Literacy? Living Literacies of the Body and Image
>The Assembly for Research of the National Council of Teachers of English
>announces a conference on “What Counts as Literacy: Living Literacies of
>the Body and Image” to be held on Feb. 23rd-25th, 2007, at Peabody College
>of Vanderbilt University in Nashville. In recent years, interest in new
>literacy practices that involve the body and the image has rapidly
>increased among educators. Clearly, literacy has always involved material,
>embodied practices and disciplines, and even print texts involve visual
>and often aesthetic elements. Yet, the rapid expansion of new media, the
>possibilities of digitization to blend old and new visual forms, and the
>new and rapid circulations of multi-modal texts calls for theory building,
>research, and new forms of educational practice. At this conference, our
>plan is to further expand our research, teaching, and critical
>imaginations in relation to an expansive definition of literacy that
>includes visual texts, broadly defined (e.g., photographs, moving images,
>maps, digital game worlds, advertisements) and embodied performances and
>representations (e.g., drama, performance pieces, group interactions,
>representations of raced and gendered bodies, body art). We also welcome
>topics that examine how bodies are institutionally ‘read’ in ways that
>grant or deny access to particular forms of literacy over others.
>As we share theories, methods, and new practices for re-conceiving of
>literacy education as multi-modal and embodied, we wish to do so with a
>critical edge that interrogates such “new literacies.” For whom are
>literacies of the body and image “alive” or accessible? Whom do such
>literacies serve? How do literacies of the body and image interrupt or
>reproduced social inequities? Whose bodies are viewed as literate in
>schools and other institutions? How might such practices and texts serve
>as mediational means for acquiring traditional literacy practices?
>Following the tradition of NCTEAR, such questions about equity and social
>justice will inform the core of our collective conversation around
>literacies of the body and image.
>We welcome conference proposals grounded in diverse theoretical and
>methodological perspectives, including, among others: semiotic analysis,
>sociocultural studies, performance theory, critical race theory, film
>theory, critical discourse analysis, poststructural analysis, historical
>studies, and others. We invite proposals that focus on empirical research,
>including teacher/action research, as well as conceptual/theoretical work.
>The following questions are offered as a guide to our collective dialogue
>and inquiry; we welcome proposals that address these or related issues:
>• How might social practices with bodies and images be used to scaffold
>literacy learning with traditional print texts? What are the problems
>inherent in taking such a scaffolding perspective that might be viewed as
>privileging print?
>• What are the current roles of visual and embodied literacies in the
>lives of socially and culturally diverse children, youth, and adults in
>out-of-school settings? What are the roles of such practices in school?
>The workplace?
>• What are the possiblities of current methods of investigation regarding
>embodied and visual literacies? How are such methods infused with a print
>perspective, and how might they be reconceptualized?
>• How do current literacy research methods, such as ethnography, include
>bodies and images in their modes of theory-building and representation?
>How might we re-imagine research representation? For embodied practices,
>what are the limits of representationalism?
>• How have visual and embodied literacies been incorporated into teacher
>education and what are the barriers to reconceiving teacher education in
>this way?
>• How does current educational policy (e.g. NCLB) affect literacy
>pedagogies that seek to incorporate multimodal and embodied literacies?
>• What embodiments of literacy are privileged in schools, families,
>community organizations and other sites, and what are the implications for
>our work as researchers and educators committed to social change.
>Keynote Speakers
>Brian Edmiston, Teaching and Learning, The Ohio State University
>Hilary Janks, Applied English Language Studies, University of
>Witwatersrand, South Africa
>Robert Jiménez, Language, Literacy, and Culture, Peabody College of
>Vanderbilt University
>Muziko Ito, Annenberg Center for Communication, University of Southern
>California and Keio University in Japan
>Walter Jacobs, Postsecondary Teaching and Learning, University of Minnesota
>Eva Lam, Learning Sciences and Asian American Studies, Northwestern University
>Jay Lemke, Educational Studies, University of Michigan
>Carmen Medina, Language and Literacy Education, University of British Columbia
>Workshop Presenters
>Maria Asp, Neighborhood Bridges, Minneapolis, Minnesota
>Julie Cheville, Literacy Education, University of Maine, Orono
>Hilary Janks, Applied English Language Studies, University of
>Witwatersrand, South Africa
>Charles Kinzer, Mathematics, Science, and Technology, Teachers College,
>Columbia University
>Margaret Sheehy, Reading, University at Albany
>Guidelines for Proposal Submission:
>Presentation Summary:
>Proposals should include a cover page (directions below) plus no more than
>2 single-spaced pages addressing the following: (1) Focus of the
>presentation/background of the problem; (2) connections to research and/or
>theoretical literature(s); (3) research question(s) and research
>methods/methodology; (4) findings/issues/questions for discussion, as well
>as how the research contributes to the conference conversation. If your
>paper is a conceptual/theoretical one, please describe your theoretical
>framework and argument and tell how it will contribute to the conference
>conversation. Please indicate in the opening lines of the proposal whether
>you intend to focus on empirical or conceptual/theoretical questions.
>Session Format:
>30-minute sessions in roundtable format. Please make an effort to plan
>for substantial interaction.
>Cover Page
>Include the following information for all presenters:
>Mailing address(es)
>Telephone number(s)
>E-mail address(es)
>Title of presentation
>Abstract of paper (200 word limit)
>Indicate whether this is a round table or poster session.
>Audio-visual requests (overheads, TV/VCRs supplied without charge and upon
>request) Computers and LCD projectors equipment are not provided and must
>be brought by presenters.
>Review Process:
>Review criteria will include the quality of the proposal and the degree to
>which it addresses the conference theme.
>Submit proposals via email to: Kristy Snyder at
>Please include “NCTEAR Proposal” as the subject line.
>Proposals must be received by November 1, 2006.
>Address any questions to Conference Co-chairs
>Kevin Leander, Vanderbilt University
>(<mailto:Kevin.leander@vanderbilt.edu>kevin.leander@vanderbilt.edu) or
>Cynthia Lewis, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
>Cynthia Lewis
>Professor of English Education
>Curriculum & Instruction Department
>336 Peik Hall, 159 Pillsbury Drive, SE
>University of Minnesota
>Minneapolis, MN 55455-0208
>Phone: 612-625-6313
>Fax: 612-624-8277
>email: <mailto:lewis@umn.edu>lewis@umn.edu
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