Re: [xmca] Fwd: [lchc] Wertsch

From: Dorie Evensen (
Date: Sat Aug 19 2006 - 10:41:54 PDT

Mike - Could you give us the source of the Wertsch article? And speaking
of contexts, have people seen the latest issue of Educational Researcher by
Sasha Barab and Wolff-Michael Roth? That might make for an interesting
welcome-back discussion.
Dorie Evensen
Penn State

At 11:22 AM 8/19/2006, you wrote:
>Dear Colleagues-- I have had a note froma couple of people noting it is
>quiet on xmca.
>My impression is that people are recovering for the summer. At the same
>time, even a glance
>at the world map indicates that a lot of people are logging on, perhaps,
>like Phil, doing archival
>work -- but not commeting or asking questions.... and generally there has
>not been all that much
>discussion of the papers that have been posted.
>However, in case some of you ARE interested in academic discussion, I am
>forwarding a paper we will
>be discussing Monday at noon at LCHC. It is by Jim Wertsch on
>"intersubjectivity and alterity."
>This summer we have been reading, in unsystematic fashion, a range of
>articles that address a set of
>interlocking issues/processes that we feel we do not properly understand.
>Subjectivity and intersubjectivity
>are one pair. We have read Tomasello on cultural learning where he defines
>intersubjectivity in relation
>to being able to interpret another's intentions, an early stage, in his
>opinion, of theory of mind. This idea
>is related to differering notions of imitation which in turn is related to
>ideas about necessary and sufficient
>conditions for cultural mediation. ALL of these concepts are related to the
>polysemic term, CONTEXT, which
>Jim uses in two different sense in his paper. We are concerned about the
>confusions arising from the way the
>term is used with different referential purposes but without any clear
>markers to say which reference purpose
>is in play, hence engendering confusion.
>You are all most welcome to join us in our investigation of this issue if
>you are in need of summer reading.
>On the other hand, I recently read George Elliot's "Silas Marner" which I
>was "forced" to read in Junior High
>School and which I found mesmerizing after a 50 year + set of opportunities
>to puzzle about the world.
>Content-Type: application/pdf; name=Wertsch.pdf
>X-Attachment-Id: f_er14thc3
>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Wertsch.pdf"
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