Re: [xmca] Developmental psychology and the production of a polished mud ball

From: Beth Ferholt (
Date: Tue Jun 13 2006 - 18:44:22 PDT

Thank you Kiyo, for this interesting description!
I can't wait for another Ibi project report!

On Jun 13, 2006, at 6:09 AM, Kiyotaka Miyazaki wrote:

> Lars, and Beth,
> Sorry not to respond soon. I was busy in these days. The end of the
> semester are yet far away for us in Japan, and I was out of town. I
> stayed in Ibi for 3 days last week.
>> this sounds really interesting; what struck me about the activity
>> was how so
>> many different aspects of development was compressed into those
>> hand fulls
>> of mud do you know if any of his work assessable in English or if
>> there are
>> any public pages that describes his Ninja Project?
> I forwarded your mail to Kayo, but I haven't yet gotten his response.
>> Did Prof. Kayo play a Ninja, himself, in these play activities?
> This project started as a treasure hunting in a summer camp. Main
> participants were elder graders of the elementary schools. Children
> got a mail from a descendant of the boss of Ninja before the summer
> camp, asking them to find out a treasure of Ninja on behalf of him.
> According to a family legend of the Ninja, some treasure was hidden
> somewhere near the camp site. And children were asked to search it
> secretly, not telling about it to any adults. With a secret map
> sent to them, children finally succeeded to find out the treasure,
> a scroll some coded letters written on it. But, it was just a start
> of the long story, developed unexpectedly even for Kayo....
> So, Kayo was a "producer" of the story, writing mails from Ninja
> family and preparing for "treasure". But children didn't know that
> Kayo was involved in the plot until they were told that this affair
> was all fictitious by Kayo some 5 years later. Some of his students
> played the role of Ninja, or a relative of Ninja, but their parts
> were not important, like handing out a mail to children. So, adults
> were, in most cases, behind the backdrop in this project.
> One comment on Ibi.
> Yokai became legend for children of Ibi kindergarten. The eldest
> graders of this year remember very well on Yokai, particularly on
> Konakijijii. And note that the eldest graders of this year did not
> participate in the last year's project. All they know about Yokai
> were what they learnt from the behavior of the eldest graders of
> the last year! And also note that this year's theme is "insects". I
> will send some report on this year's Ibi project later.
> Kiyo Miyazaki
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