Dear Lina,
I'd like to do my bit in welcoming you and Volker and the others here
to XMCA. Despite your misgivings about being amongst a "distinguished
group", please rest assured that there are many of us here who would
not relate to that title, but would prefer to be in the
"indistinguishable but here to learn from each other camp". In the
spirit of XMCA, perhaps we can ride on a polyglot train?
Thanks Lois for making this happen.
On 07/12/2005, at 4:39 AM, Lina Kostarova - Unkovska wrote:
> Thank you all, bb. Lois, Tony, Mike and Ana, for clarification and
> support. I got the Anna's article and am eager to read it. However, I
> am sure I will not involve soon in the debate... what I need is to
> create a safe new context of me within this distinguished group of
> thinkers, which, as you said exists for a longer time. "Before all,
> people need to make sure that will be understood in order to speak
> up..." , this is what I've learned from my students (of different
> ethnic background) who stayed silent for almost a year before telling
> their story... Don't worry' I won't wait for such a long. regards,
> lina
> --- Mike Cole <> wrote:
>> Lina-- The article by Anna Stetsenko that was the object of our
>> joint
>> discussion last month has a long footnote about the term, CHAT.
>> That might still be available free online at which
>> can also
>> be reached through the xmca webpage.
>> Imagine a group of people who believe that what united Vygotsky and
>> Leontiev
>> was more interesting for the present and future than
>> what divided them and that these same people coming from many
>> different
>> traditions wanted to carry the basic ideas of a cultural historical
>> approach
>> to human nature that grounded its analysis in everyday human
>> activities.
>> There is a google search for the entire LCHC site at
>> Other
>> histories of the term can be found in that way.
>> mike
>> On 12/6/05, bb <> wrote:
>>> On Tuesday 06 December 2005 5:36 am, Lina Kostarova - Unkovska
>> wrote:
>>>> Do I need to know the history of the group, or the people
>> background?
>>>> I looked at some of the discussions so far, and they seemed to
>> be
>>>> quite a clashing about something... could not understand, but
>> I'll
>>>> wait for a moment Lina
>>> Hmmmm... so this is the first impression we give...
>>> Thanks Lina, for helping us to shape our identity as a group.
>>> bb
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> Lina Kostarova Unkovska, Director
> Center for Psychosocial and Crisis Action (CPCA)
> Bul. Partizanski Odredi, 23/1-3
> 1000 Skopje, R. Macedonia
> tel/fax: + 389 2 3298 238
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