Education Theory Symposium Online Now
*In the August 2005 issue of /Educational Theory/ (Volume 55, Issue 3),
guest editor Kenneth R. Howe asks
'What constitutes "scientific" educational research?'*
/The question of what constitutes "scientific" educational research has
gained considerable attention in the last several years. Its rise to
prominence has been motivated by the view that serious attention to
rendering educational research truly scientific is required if it is to
contribute to improved educational practices and outcomes. In contrast
to the enthusiasts, critics of the current push see the conceptions of
scientific educational research that have emerged as retrograde, aimed
at reinstating experimental-quantitative methods -- especially the
randomized or "true" experiment -- as the "gold standard" of educational
science and, in the process, rendering qualitative methods auxiliary and
epistemologically second-rate. In addition to the epistemological
aspects of the current conversation about research methods, there are
also political aspects. The most noteworthy is the federal government's
forceful insinuation of itself into the arena of research methodology,
an arena in which the community of educational researchers, like other
scientific communities, has historically enjoyed considerable autonomy./
/Against this backdrop, the participants in this symposium were asked to
address two general issues with respect to the recent conversation: (1)
its fruitfulness in prompting advances in educational research
methodology, and (2) its political dimensions for good or ill (both
explicit/intentional and tacit/unwitting)./
*List of essays:*
* /The Education Science Question: A Symposium/ - Kenneth R. Howe
* /Hammers and Saws for the Improvement of Educational Research/ -
Margaret Eisenhart
* /Understanding the Other/Understanding Ourselves: Toward a
Constructive Dialogue about "Principles" in Educational Research/
- Pamela A. Moss
* /A Diagnostic Reading of Scientifically Based Research for
Education/ - Thomas A. Schwandt
* /The Question of Education Science: Experimentism versus
Experimentalism/ - Kenneth R. Howe
*Read this symposium in its entirety for free online at:
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