Re: [xmca] RE: meaning and sense and has anyone any opinion

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Fri Jul 22 2005 - 08:08:01 PDT

Great timing, Gordon. you answered part of my question re Halliday and the
equivalent distinction. Thanks!

 On 7/22/05, Gordon Wells <> wrote:
> >Gordon, I've often thought along the lines you explore about how it
> relates
> >to Vygotsky's meaning/sense discussion. Maybe it reflects his roots in
> >philology. If so, then maybe we can push it a little further.
> >
> >Gordon's list of alternatives were: "dynamic/everyday/narrative v.
> >synoptic/scientific/paradigmatic modes of meaning-making." When I see
> >"paradigmatic," I look for "syntagmatic." Maybe for Gordon this is in
> both
> >or either "dynamic" and "synoptic?"
> >I understand paradigmatic and syntagmatic as mutually constitutive not so
> >much "versus." So, for example, for linguists (I think whether you look
> >back to Prague School or further to Panini) the copula verb ("to be" in
> >English) as a paradigm (for example: be am is are were been) is
> relentlessly
> >tied to/emerging with its syntax (I am. She is. etc.). The syntagmatic
> >patterning is not just a methodological frame for the morphological
> >paradigm; neither one is necessarily primitive to the other (but theories
> of
> >language might explore to establish this). Each constitutes the other.
> >
> >So, maybe 'meaning' can be understood as the paradigmatic and 'sense' as
> the
> >syntagmatic of a mutually constitutive set.
> Peg,
> I agree that syntagmatic complements paradigmatic. One way of
> interpreting Bruner's narrative/paradigmatic distinction might be
> that narrative is concerned with the relations between constituents:
> who does what to whom, when and for what reason. Similarly,
> Halliday's dynamic/ synoptic distinction might be equated with
> narrative/syntagmatic - to some degree!!, while synoptic highlights
> the paradigmatic relationship between alternative lexicogrammatical
> realizations of the same event, with a focus on grammatical metaphor
> through nominalization.
> I think I'm happy with your final paragraph above but I'll give some
> more thought to this.
> Gordon
> --
> Gordon Wells
> Dept of Education,
> UC Santa Cruz.
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