Call for Papers-Special Issue of Teacher Education Quarterly: Action
Research for Teacher Empowerment and Transformation
Call for Papers
Special Issue of Teacher Education Quarterly:
Action Research for Teacher Empowerment and Transformation
Guest Editors:
Barbara B. Levin and Sherri P. Merritt
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Teacher Education Quarterly is interested in soliciting manuscripts for a
special themed issue to include inquiry-based reports about action research
projects conducted collaboratively by teachers and/or teacher educators
with the goal of empowering and transforming their work with other
teachers, students, student teachers, curriculum, instruction, schools,
parents, and other constituents in local, national, or international
contexts. We are seeking reports of action research that involve
individuals and groups of practitioners who identify areas for improvement
in their practice, who systematically engage in inquiry about their ideas,
and who willingly make public their self-critical inquiry. The editors seek
manuscripts dealing with research, practice, and policy related to the
theme of action research for teacher empowerment and transformation. Both
empirical and conceptual manuscripts are encouraged.
Some questions that manuscripts submitted for this themed issue might
address include: In what ways has engagement with action research empowered
the researchers and/or their constituents? In what ways has action research
become a transformative undertaking for the researchers and/or their
constituents? What issues have risen while engaging in collaborative action
research projects and how have these been resolved? How have you approached
various methodological issues that arise when conducting action research?
In what way has your action research informed or reformed educational
practices in elementary and secondary schools and in universities?
Manuscripts should be between 12-25 pages in length, double-spaced, and
referenced in APA format. Please send four blind copies of completed
manuscripts, cover letter and a self-addressed envelope for return
acknowledgement. Authors of accepted manuscripts will submit a final
version on both hard copy and on 3 ½” HD disk. Deadline for submission is
September 1, 2005.
Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they
are original material and are not being considered for publication
elsewhere. Ordinarily, manuscripts will not be returned.
Manuscripts will be acknowledged by the guest editors upon receipt, and
both solicited and unsolicited manuscript will undergo blind peer review.
Following preliminary editorial review, manuscripts will be sent to
reviewers who have expertise in the subject of the article. The review
process will take 3-4 months. Authors should expect to hear from the guest
editors within that time regarding the status of their manuscript.
Send manuscripts to:
Barbara B. Levin and Sherri P. Merritt, TEQ Guest Editors
School of Education, UNCG
1000 Spring Garden Street
Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
Phone: 336-334-3443 or 336-334-3442 Fax: 336-334-4120
Questions regarding submission can be directed to or
Manuscripts are accepted for consideration with the understanding that they
are original material and are not being considered for publication
elsewhere. Ordinarily, manuscripts will not be returned.
Manuscripts will be acknowledged by the guest editors upon receipt, and
both solicited and unsolicited manuscript will undergo blind peer review.
Following preliminary editorial review, manuscripts will be sent to
reviewers who have expertise in the subject of the article. The review
process will take 3-4 months. Authors should expect to hear from the guest
editors within that time regarding the status of their manuscript.
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