Re: development: loss, destruction, transformation

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Tue Mar 29 2005 - 13:37:44 PST

Nice to have you back, Mary.
Seems like we need to Yrjo's paper in front of everyone if we are
going to make progress
on this topic.

Yrjo-- At the end of one of my notes on this topic I said that it
would be good to have
various people who took a "breaking away perspective" give examples.
What are your
favorite examples? Do you have a pdf version of the paper we can use
for dicussion?

On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 09:39:44 -0800, Mary Bryson <> wrote:
> On 3/28/05 3:30 PM, "Mike Cole" <> wrote:
> > but if your kid did not learn to add or read, you might get unhappy. :-)
> OK, time for me to chime in here... I was a participant in a day-long
> participatory conference <Beyond Postmodernism> some time ago <it was
> actually a Postmodernism Bashing carnival> and the whole group was
> discussing the enormous significance of a scientific model for "learning to
> read" <back to, postmodernism bashing> and so I instigated a "break away"
> discursive intervention --
> I suggested that the discussion on "learning" might more fruitfully <ha ha>
> intersect with some of the problematics of postmodernisms if instead of
> "learning to read" we were to discuss "learning to be queer" and how that
> might be facilitated and nurtured in educational contexts.
> Oops
> Oh dear
> Talk about the abject -- yes, well --- someone tried being nice and said
> something like, "Don't you think it is partly genetic?" and then they all
> went back to talking about "learning to read".
> Taking a genealogical approach to tracing the historical production of
> "learning" there is so much that is pre-figured if the object of analysis is
> the repetition of an act where we assume consensus --- "learning to read"
> --- an activity that, in school, surely, is one of the means for the
> production of a subjugated and disciplined body --- a tame ventriloquist. I
> would argue that if the "break away" is what we want to understand then it
> would be very useful to study the "ones that got away" -- the contexts and
> practices that produce diss-identification with culture's normative
> trajectory.
> Nice to be back,
> Mary

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