Hi Artin
your paper interested me very much.
how can I read the full text?
thank you in advance.
Dra. Maria Judith Sucupira da Costa Lins
Faculdade de Educacao
Universidade Federal Rio de Janeiro-UFRJ
Rua Abade Ramos 131-402
Jardim Botanico 22461-090 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ
tel: 25 37 10 80 / 81 82 99 48
fax: 25 37 40 08
e-mail: mariasucupiralins@terra.com.br
----- Original Message -----
From: Artin Goncu
To: xmca@weber.ucsd.edu ; edfac@uic.edu ; brogoff@cats.ucsc.edu ; harrispa@gse.harvard.edu ; lillard@virginia.edu ; borstein@uic.edu ; agn3@lehigh.edu ; howes@uic.edu ; cdc9@PSU.EDU ; farver@almaak.usc.edu ; Michael_Lamb@nih.gov ; pss01pks@gold.ac.uk ; PELLE013@TC.UMN.EDU ; S-Gaskins@neiu.edu ; suzanne.gaskins@gmail.com ; brougere@lshs.univ-paris13.fr ; u38580@uicvm.uic.edu
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 8:00 PM
Subject: Paper of potential interest
Hi All:
Anthony Perone and I have a new paper entitled "Pretend play as a life-sapn activity." The abstract is below, and the paper is available electronically. If you like a copy, please let me know of the net. Thanks, Artin
Arguing against the dominant developmental theories (e.g., Piaget, 1945; Vygotsky, 1978) stating that pretend play is limited to early childhood, we illustrate that pretend play is an adaptive human activity of adulthood as well as childhood. We advance this argument on three levels. First, we offer an analysis of why the discipline of developmental psychology in the Western world considered play only as an activity of childhood by neglecting to explore whether or how pretend play exists during adulthood. Second, we discuss the similarities between adult improvisational theater and children's pretend play in illustrating our thesis that pretend continues to exist during adulthood. In this discussion, we focus on similarities on the definitions, psychological origins, social functions, and developmental consequences of pretend play and adult improvisation. Finally, we end the article with educational implications of conceptualizing pretend play as a life-span activity and offer directions for future research.
Artin Goncu, Ph.D
College of Education M/C 147
University of Illinois at Chicago
1040 W. Harrison St.,
Chicago, IL 60607
(312) 996-5259
Fax (312) 996-6400
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