FW: Workshop announcement

From: David Preiss (davidpreiss@puc.cl)
Date: Wed Mar 09 2005 - 05:21:26 PST

-----Original Message-----
From: News and announcements for Writing Special Interest Group of EARLI
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 7:48 PM
Subject: Workshop announcement

Please send any enquiries about the following to:
ingmarie.mellenius@ling.umu.se or kirk.sullivan@ling.umu.se

Workshop on key-stroke logging and the didactics of writing, and second
language speech perception and its didactic implications

Umeå, Sweden, May 27-30

The departments of Philosophy and Linguistics and Modern Languages, Umeå
University, invite 300 word abstracts to be emailed to
ingmarie.mellenius@ling.umu.se or kirk.sullivan@ling.umu.se by April 15

Please using the Subject "Umea Workshop" for your email. PhD students
are encouraged to submit abstracts.

The workshop has a limited number of places to encourage discussion
between participants.

The workshop is based around two public PhD examinations.

Eva Lindgren's thesis
"Writing and Revising: didactic and methodological implications of
key-stroke logging"
Opponent: Gert Rijlaarsdam, The University of Amsterdam


Monika Stridfeldt's thesis
"La reconnaissance des mots en français parlé chez des apprenants
Opponent: Chantal Lyche, Oslo and Tromsö


May 27: PM: Workshop presentations

May 28: AM: Eva Lindgren's PhD Examination

        PM: Workshop presentations

May 29: AM: Organized county walk

        PM: (Early evening) Workshop presentations and discussion

May 30: AM: Monika Stridfeldt's PhD Examination

To minimize the workshop's organisation, hotel, food and outing costs
will be met individually rather than via the workshop.

An accommodation list along with useful information about Umeå will be
sent once you have been accepted the workshop.

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the addressee. Access to this email by anyone else is unauthorised.

If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying,
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