I've always cited Wood, D.J., J.S. Bruner, and G. Ross, The role of
tutoring in problem solving, Journal of Child Psychology and
Psychiatry, 1976. 17(2): p. 89-100 as the pioneering paper, Nate. Then
Bruner's book (oops, there goes the memory) published not long after
Interesting coincidence - just returned from a second language
conference where scaffolding was bandied around so carelessly that it
seemed to become a metaphor for any activity or learning materials
applied by the teacher in teaching/learning moments.
On 22/01/2005, at 4:08 AM, willthereallsvpleasespeakup who-is-at nateweb.info
> Is Bruner the agreed upon "author" of scaffold in American
> consciousness?
> --
> Website: http://nateweb.info/
> Blog: http://levvygotsky.blogspot.com/
> Email: willthereallsvpleasespeakup who-is-at nateweb.info
> "The zone of proximal development defines those functions that have
> not yet matured but are in the process of maturation, functions that
> will mature tomorrow but are currently in an embryonic state. These
> functions could be termed the buds or flowers of development rather
> than
> the "fruits" of development. The actual developmental level
> characterizes mental development retrospectively, while the zone of
> proximal development characterizes mental development prospectively."
> - L.S.V.
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