Re: People and the city

Date: Tue Sep 14 2004 - 11:02:50 PDT

I have also been thinking about people's relations
with physical space, and with the fantasy spaces
which are the flip side of these physical spaces,
this summer -- particularly about space in a
playworlds project we've been working on here at
LCHC, inspired by Pentti Hakkarainen's play pedagogy
at Silmu in Finland. I was most helped in my thinking
about the ways children and adults map, construct,
enter and share/police these playworlds by the

De Certeau, M. (1984). The Practice of Everyday
Life. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Jacobs, J. (1961). The Death and Life of Great
American Cities. New York: Vintage Books.

Chauncey, G. (1996). Privacy Could Only Be Had in
Public: Gay Uses of the Streets.
In Joel Sander's Stud: Architectures of Masculinity.
New York: Princeton Architectural Press.

(Auge, M. (1995). Non-Places: Introduction to an
Anthropology of Supermodernity.
New York: Verso.)

And please do let me know if you read anything
especially useful in this area!


> Hi all,
> I am an interaction designer and I'm involved in a
> project focused on the
> design of interactive mnedia for urban public spaces.
> I have been following with interest several of the
> discussion on the list.
> Now I wanted to ask you suggestion for good
> references and pubblications
> about people relation with the physical space,
> particularly concerning the
> urban environment, and people's interactions in
> public spaces.
> Looking forward to your answer.
> Thank you all in advance.
> Dona

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