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Re: Refs on sociocultural interaction studies of math classrooms


One of my favorite perspectives is Rogers Hall (Vanderbilt)
Hall, R., & Rubin, A. (1998). ³. . .There's five little notches in here²:
Dilemmas in teaching and learning the conventional structure of rate. In J.
Greeno & S. Goldman (Eds.), Thinking practices in mathematics and science
learning. (pp. 189-235). Mahwah, NJ, US: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.,
Stevens, R., & Hall, R. (1998).  Disciplined perception: Learning to see in
technoscience.  In M. Lampert & M. Blunk (Eds.), Talking mathematics in
school: Studies of teaching and learning (pp. 107-149). New York: Cambridge
University Press.

I also have an article that may also be of interest:
Enyedy, N. (2003). Knowledge construction and collective practice: At the
intersection of learning, talk, and social configurations in a
computer-mediated mathematics classroom. The Journal of the Learning
Sciences, 12(3) 361-408.