Re: source of thought

From: David Atencio, UNM (
Date: Sat Jun 19 2004 - 20:24:00 PDT

Hi Mike and Esteban,

 Below is the citation for the 87 version of thinking and speech with a
related quote found on page 50.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1987). Thinking and speech. N. Minick (Trans.). In R.
W. Rieber, A.S. Carton (Eds.), The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky:
Vol. 1. Problems of general psychology (pp. 37-285). New York: Plenum.
(Original work published 1934)

        Among the most basic defects of traditional approaches to the
        study of psychology has been the isolation of the intellectual
        from the volitional and affective aspects of
        consciousness...thinking was divorced from the full vitality of
        life, from the motives, interests, and inclinations of the
        thinking isolating thinking from affect at the
        outset, we effectively cut ourselves off from any potential to
        form any causal explanations of thinking...a deterministic
        analysis of thinking presupposes that we identify its motive
        force, that we identify the needs, interests, incentives and
        tendencies that direct the movement of thought in one direction
        or another. In much the same way, when thinking is isolated
        from affect, investigating its influences on the affective or
        purposive aspects of mental life is effectively precluded....
        (p. 50).

Mike Cole wrote:

>A student has asked me for the source of the following quotation which he
>believes is from Vygotsky, *Thought and Language/Speech*. I have been looking
>but have not found it. Can anyone help?
>"Thought is not begotten by thought; it is engendered by motivation, i.e.,
>by our desires and our needs, our interests and emotion. Behind every
>thought there is an affective-volitional tendency, which holds the answer
>to the last 'why' in the analsysis of thinking."

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