
From: Peggy Bengel (
Date: Wed Apr 07 2004 - 14:14:15 PDT

For those of you who indicated an interest in attending the reception at
Mike Cole's
house and/or visiting one of the 5th D sites in Solana Beach here is the

Jennifer V will post a sign up sheet WHERE? It will be first come,
first served.
If there is overflow, then the alternatives are driving up yourself (or
carpool with others),
taking a shuttle ($$$), or taking the train. I will attach directions to
the Cole's and the
train schedule/fares.

For Monday, April 12 only we have rented 2 vans, which will accomodate
14-15 people.
The vans will be out front of Marriott ??? at 1:15pm. They will need to
leave there at
1:30pm in order to arrive at Mike's at 2:00. Everyone can visit a while,
enjoy the
light snacks provided, then at 3:00 small groups can begin going over to
the sites for a look-see,
return to Mike's, then the next group can go. (It is important that
people go in small groups
so as not to distract/disrupt the site activities.) At 5:00pm the 2 vans
will leave Mike's and
head back to the Marriott in time for the 6:15 meeting.

Please note that the sites will be running Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday
as well.
If you can arrange alternative transportation on any of those days, you
are welcome
to visit.

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