>When AAC&U organized its first Diversity and Learning conference ten years
>ago, it offered a bold new vision. AAC&U argued that diversity did not
>simply raise moral, political, and economic issues about full inclusion
>and equal opportunity, but determined the quality and kind of education
>possible in our colleges and universities. AAC&U argued further that
>knowledge about multiple kinds of differences across distinctions such as
>race, class, gender, religion, sexual identity, and ethnicity would
>strengthen our nation's democracy and its many communities. - Call for
>Proposals, 2004
>March 16, 2004
>Dear Colleagues:
>On behalf of the Association of American Colleges and Universities
>(AAC&U), we are forwarding the call for proposals for our 5th biennial
>Diversity and Learning Conference, "Diversity and Learning: Democracy's
>Compelling Interest," to be held October 21-23, 2004, in Nashville,
>Tennessee. We actively seek session proposals on LGBT issues from you and
>from your colleagues as they relate broadly to the conference themes.
>Presenters may include faculty, administrators, student affairs staff, and
>AAC&U is the leading national association concerned with making the aims
>of liberal learning a vigorous and constant influence on institutional
>purpose and educational practice in higher education. We are seeking to
>articulate new forms of liberal education for the 21st century - forms
>that fosters capacities such as social responsibility, civic engagement,
>active and life-long learning, critical reflection, and intercultural
>competencies in students.
>Conference Themes
>Five themes will be woven together to make up the fabric of the
>conference. Below you will find each theme plus examples of possible
>LGBT-related sessions to guide you in your conceptualization of topics.
>Track I:
>Teaching the Journey Towards Democracy: Content, Pedagogies, and Student Life
> * What powerful lessons about democracy-building can students learn
> through LGBT studies?
> * What are models (e.g., speakers' bureaus) for teaching students,
> staff, and faculty about the struggles for equality and equity within the
> LGBT community?
> * What are critical historical intersections between movements for
> LGBT rights and other movements for civil rights? How can we help
> students today build effective coalitions around various movements for
> social justice?
> * How can we cultivate leadership amongst LGBT students?
>Track II:
>Developing Civic Responsibility Locally and Globally
> * How do the needs and issues of the LGBT community reframe our
> notions of civic responsibility?
> * At what levels are students engaging in the work of the LGBT
> community (On campus? Locally? Nationally?) What influences their choice
> of involvements?
> * How can study abroad programs be responsive to the particular needs
> and challenges of LGBT students?
>Track III:
>Student Identity Development and Learning: Moving from Marginality to Meaning
> * How does a student's sexual identity development affect campus life
> issues such as health, educational progress, choice of major, and so on?
> * What are examples of partnerships (e.g., campus life, advising
> offices, residential life, faculty, health centers) that provide LGBT
> students with safe but challenging growth environments?
> * How can faculty and staff mobilize LGBT students and their allies to
> teach about LGBT issues and at the same time support their intellectual
> growth and identity development?
> Track IV:
>Building Intercultural Campuses
> * How have LGBT student groups worked successfully with other student
> groups on campus? What are their shared agendas?
> * What are successful models for building allies to the LGBT community
> on campuses?
> * What opportunities exist for LGBT and heterosexual students to
> engage in dialogues about commonalities and differences?
> * How do we create an inclusive climate to retain LGBT faculty and staff?
>Track V:
>Research on Inclusive Excellence
> * What does the research tell us about the success of LGBT studies,
> LGBT student lives on our campuses and communities?
> * What factors influence LGBT student retention and completion?
> * What does research tell us about the lives of LGBT faculty and staff
> with regard to climate and worklife?
>for proposal submission details. You may propose a concurrent session, a
>poster session, or a discussion session, 60 or 90 minutes in length.
>Proposals are due to AAC&U on or before Monday, March 29, 2004. Applicants
>will be notified by the first week in May of the status of their
>proposals. All presenters at the Conference are responsible for the
>appropriate conference registration fees, travel, and hotel expenses.
>If you have questions, please contact Dan Singh at
><mailto:singh@aacu.org>singh@aacu.org or Nancy O'Neill at
><mailto:oneill@aacu.org>oneill@aacu.org. Thank you for helping to make
>LGBT issues an integral part of the 2004 Diversity and Learning Conference.
>Daniel P. Singh
>IS Director and member, D&L planning committee.
>Nancy O'Neill
>Director of Programs, Office of Education and Institutional Renewal and
>member, D&L planning committee
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