Hi Alena--
Sorry that overflow forced you out of the lurkers' hideaway, but glad
you mentioned this issue. I also suffer from it and I am sure others
in less priveleged positions get even more grief.
Can we make it a custom to use plain text and not include prior (long)
messages with each message we respond to on xmca? Including the
messages gives easy continuity, but that continuity can be had by
other means, such as going to the xmca web page.
We have all been treated to collegial, considered, very well informed
discussion in recent days. In fact, it seems to me worthwhile, if someone
has the time/desire to pull that discussion together as a unit and
we could post it on xmca already parsed and digestable. But it is
important to keep in mind that folks like you (and you probably have
above average capacity/access considered on a world scale) are
endangered by keepin the trailing messages in replies.
Anyway, thanks for articulating a problem for xmca folk
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