hey, Eugene - this sounds whacko - but when i wrote to you earlier this
morning, i thought i was replying to xmca - now double checking, i replied
only to you - and so _your_ reply came back only to me - though to judge
by what you wrote ( ... and everybody) your intention was to write to xmca
as well.
something's wrong here on my end with my email system that i still have to
work out. so - just to let you know.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: White, Phillip [mailto:Phillip.White@cudenver.edu]
> Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 12:55 PM
> To: ematusov@UDel.Edu
> Subject: RE: Dialectical materialism / Nature
> Eugene wrote:
> I want to comment only on one point out of many that Andy made:
> I observe many of those kids learning
> computers for the first time. In my non-systematic observations, I did not
> find that it is true that "young people know how to use screens almost
> whatever background they come from ... because they have to."
> to throw in my two-cents worth about what i think, Eugene - i have made
> observations - having working in elementary schools for the last three
decades, many
> students come to school without a clue about how a omputer works - just
getting the
> relationship between the cursor's movement on the screen and the movements
of the mouse
> in their hand can be for some a difficulty of some duration. of course,
maybe this notion of
> "young people" is defined by those who have completed elementary school,
say. but for
> young people entering elementary schools it's not true - and even as a
young person moves
> through the grades, those students whom come from homes with computers and
> access have a depth of understanding of ways to negotiate / a sense of
identity and agency
> with computers / that students without such capital at home don't have.
> and of course, there are always exceptions.
> phillip
> phillip white
> university of colorado at denver
> school of education
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