Re: Lteter Oerdr? -- changing into "Direct teaching or arranging situations for learning"

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Sun Sep 21 2003 - 15:28:41 PDT

Sorry not to be properly response to the issue of direct teaching and
arranging. Thanks for the help, Anna, yes that is what I meant, I think
it is what Dewey was about in his way. I will try to post on my web page
(hey-- it is on the web page!) our monograph on remediation of reading
carried out more than 20 years ago with Peg Griffin, Katie King, Esteban
Diaz, Luis Moll, and others. A short version appears in a paper no one
on the list will have seen, a feitschrift for bill estes. I'll try to scan
it since it is a brief presentation.

Also relevant is an article by Griffin and Cole in a book by Langer on
basic activities, not basic skills, as the proper unit of analysis and
goal of instructional design.

Like many of the rest of you I simply must deal with some urgent, start of
the quarter issues not only on my campus but in my state and am behind

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