Re: synomorphs, sleuthing

From: Jay Lemke (
Date: Sun Jul 27 2003 - 13:10:07 PDT

Sleuthing can be fun -- here is the core literature for the concept of
"behavior-setting", which I think is the same as synomorph (tentatively) as
it appears to a seminar on the subject in an ecological psychology seminar
at the U of Vienna:

BARKER, R. G., 1968, Ecological Psychology. Concepts and Methods for
Studying the Environment of Human Behavior. – Stanford, Cal.
FUHRER, U., 1990, Bridging the Ecological-Psychological Gap. Behavior
Settings as Interfaces. – In: Environment and Behavior, 22, 4, S. 518-537.
KAMINSKI, G., Hrsg., 1986, Ordnung und Variabilität im Alltagsgeschehen. –
SCHOGGEN, P., 1989, Behavior Settings. A Revision and Extension of Roger G.
Barker`s Ecological Psychology. With a Chapter by Karl A. Fox. – Stanford,
TSCHASCHEL, S., 1979, Die Fußgängerzone als "soziale Mitte" einer Stadt?
Die Ermittlung von Verhaltensspielräumen im öffentlichen Einkaufsbereich
als Beispiel für eine analytische Beobachtungsmethode.– In: R. GEIPEL et
al., Geographie des Mikromaßstabs. – Stuttgart, (= Der Erdkundeunterricht,
31), S. 34 – 50.
WICKER, A. W., 1979, Introduction to Ecological Psychology. – Cambridge.
WICKER, A. W., 1987, Behavior Settings Reconsidered: Temporal Stages,
Resources, Internal Dynamics, Context. - In: D. STOKLOS und I. ALTMAN,
Hrsg., Handbook of Environmental Psychology, Vol. 1., S. 613-653.

For those who read academic German more confidently than I do, this site
has a lot of related material. It is also a lot of fun to read in Google's
automatic translation version to English! :)


At 11:25 AM 7/27/2003 -0700, you wrote:

>Eugene et al-- Interesting branching of the discussion which, unfortunately,
>I cannot trace in all its interesting directions right now.
>Re synomorph: For prior lchc discussion, use google search on lchc and
>you will come up with some prior discussion but no full definition. I do not
>have relevant Barker refs at home, so unless someone else comes up with
>the appropriate passage, it will take a day or two to follow through.
>Lave in Cognition in Practice, p. 149 discusses idea of behavior setting
>(also a relevant footnote).
>I ask the question because Barker seems so often relevant yet forgotten.
>Jean focuses on his shortcomings, from her perspective. But she interprets
>him as an environmental determinist in ways that may not draw the most
>useful lessons from his work. There is no subject index to Cognition in
>Practice which makes searching it difficult for purposes like this. More
>on this

Jay Lemke
University of Michigan
School of Education
610 East University
Ann Arbor, MI 48104

Tel. 734-763-9276

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