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>From: Patty Schmidt <pschmidt@NUMBERSIX.COM>
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Subject: [ppas] Recruiting Sources for new ED for CTC
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We are about to embark on a search for a new Executive Director for the
Capitol Hill Computer Corner (www.computercorner-dc.org) to replace our
director who is moving on to new frontiers in October.
I have volunteered to coordinate the search and have a bit of experience
recruiting in the world of IT consulting, but not much in this market
space, so I would welcome your input as to recommended
websites/lists(like this one!)/print media etc where we would want to
advertise the position.
Also any pointers you have on making the process smooth and pain free
for our candidates would also be welcome.
Patty Schmidt
The Promising Practices in Afterschool (PPAS) Listserv brings together the
worlds of youth development, school-age care, and education. On the PPAS
website, www.afterschool.org, you can search for promising practices and
share your own good work with others to help build the field of afterschool.
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