Re: leander paper; CHSAT: adding Spatiality to CHAT?

From: Mike Cole (
Date: Tue Jul 15 2003 - 12:09:29 PDT

Always glad to see a new voice appear on XMCA, Iraj.

My own view is that space/time/sociality are all implied by the
notion of cultural mediation, but one can't study all aspects of
anything at once, so its natural to find people differentiating
by the specialized knowledge their own concerns lead them to/force
upon them.

For example, space was a HUGE issue in the Moll et al article we have
been talking about soto voce in the background, but it is so woven
together by institutionalized time arrangements and pedagogical
ideologies that it might get overlooked.

Check out, for sure, the developmental work research web page reachable
from the lchc web page for lots of connections with organizational
learning and scales of institutional concern well beyond the classroom
as well as in it.

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