Thanx, Mike. You know what's funny about all this? I've now re-read the Moll et al paper twice in the last few days, then went back through things I've read and written about in other classes. lo and behold, I"ve read this paper, but with a different purpose in mind. So it seemed I'd never read it. I suppose this smacks of Goffman's frame analysis but is a good reminder to me to go back and look at 'old' stuff with a fresh frame of mind.
I'll keep on keepin' on...Karen
Mike Cole <> wrote:
Your way into the bilingual issues is certainly very different than for the
kids studied by Luis and Esteban, and might well lead to a new and
exciting research project, Karen. Good luck.
I am sure that others on the list have encountered, are encountering,
similar issues.
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