Hi Mike - As it turns out, the Moll et al 1980 article will be helpful to my work...i'll have to beg forgiveness that I had not found it myself or sooner...the set-up of two different classrooms each w/a different language is what I'm looking at in a paper i'm working on now. same kind of observations - difficulty in the English language classroom w/reading where there are little to none in the Spanish language classroom; the child is using all tools available in the Spanish language classroom and few in the English language classroom because she believes the teacher does not want her to - that it would be against the law to use her Spanish toolbox to inform her English literacy-learning practices...a scary thought...in sum, thank you! - karen
Mike Cole <mcole@weber.ucsd.edu> wrote:Hi Karen--
There is a really interesting, too little cited, article by moll, diaz
and estrada (I think!) in the LCHC newsletter from about 1980. It compares
reading in an English only classroom with reading in Spanish classroom
FOR THE SAME KIDS at different times in the day. Kids who were reading
at 4-5grade level in Spanish and were orally bilingual were observed
to be reading a pre/first grade level in English. The authors reveal the
social organizational ideological features of the classrooms that
constructed this absurd situation and went on to intervene in a productive
A good way to find the article is to search using google on the lchc website.
Its one of those studies that should reorganize education of ESL kids and
gets forgotten like rain over a desert in summer where the water never
reaches the ground..... a manifestation of ideology as mode of social
practice and hegemony.
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