Mike - thanx...it sounds great...I should know that article - I'm one of Dr. Moll's students too...I'm in a hurry to make guacamole for 12 right now...so I gotta go...I'll check in wtih the rest of the emails on the subject...karen
Peter Smagorinsky <smago@coe.uga.edu> wrote:Those interested in the Moll et al. paper might find the attached article
interesting--by Carmen Martinez-Roldan, one of Moll's students, now at
Arizona State. p
At 07:29 AM 7/11/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>Hi Karen--
>There is a really interesting, too little cited, article by moll, diaz
>and estrada (I think!) in the LCHC newsletter from about 1980. It compares
>reading in an English only classroom with reading in Spanish classroom
>FOR THE SAME KIDS at different times in the day. Kids who were reading
>at 4-5grade level in Spanish and were orally bilingual were observed
>to be reading a pre/first grade level in English. The authors reveal the
>social organizational ideological features of the classrooms that
>constructed this absurd situation and went on to intervene in a productive
>A good way to find the article is to search using google on the lchc website.
>Its one of those studies that should reorganize education of ESL kids and
>gets forgotten like rain over a desert in summer where the water never
>reaches the ground..... a manifestation of ideology as mode of social
>practice and hegemony.
> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pdf name=RT0374Building.pdf
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