I believe that James Wertsch's unit of analysis is a very helpful idea. I am referring to it in my study on teacher's reflection. Although, the concept of unit as a germ-cell of development is always historical and context and content dependent.
From your comment on subject/agent difference, agent seems to be more appropriate for my translation for the English-speaking world.
Phil Chappell <> wrote:
This would be a good question to pose to James Wertsch, who uses the term
"agent-acting-with-mediational-means" as an irreducible unit of analysis.
Of course, this opens the debate on the individual/collective dimension
that Mike refers to.
For me, agentivity always conjures up intentionality, disposition and
significance, while subjectivity, a little like Bill says, is cloaked in a
more scientific/experimental robe.
I have on my table a violin string. It is free. I twist one end of
it and it responds. It is free. But it is not free to do what a
violin string is supposed to do - to produce music. So I take it,
fix it in my violin and tighten it until it is taut. Only then it
is free to be a violin string.
Sir Rabindranath Tagore.
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