On Tuesday 01 July 2003 7:24 am, Judith Vera Diamondstone bid us discourse:
> policies. We are required by AERA to have by-laws, and Bill has been
> working on that. I hope no one minds if we defer the discussion until after
> the holiday weekend here in the U.S.
Yes, Bylaws have recently been requested by AERA, and as bylaws are
subservient to a constitution by definition, i've pulled together a draft of
the latter, inclusive of the former. I've asked the sig-off's, present and
recent past to comment and following that stage, i'll put up the second draft
for comment among the full chsig membership. The final stage, after an
anticipated N number of revisions is to ratify the constituion by snail-mail
ballot. As this is a defining event in the history of CHSIG, I hope that all
of you will participate in the process.
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